How long can my Fiido travel on a 10.4Ah/14Ah battery?
For 10.4Ah battery, it can cover a distance up to 40-55km. Whereas, for our 14Ah Samsung battery, it can cover a distance up to 55-65km.
Can I ride my Fiido Electric Scooter on the road?
No, all PMDs are not allowed on the road.
PMDs are only allowed on footpaths, cycling paths, and shared paths.
Are E-scooters legal?
Definitely, PMDs are only allowed on footpaths, cycling paths, and shared paths. PMDs are not allowed on roads, as well as pedestrian-only paths.
Your PMD must not weigh more than 20kg, must be less than 70cm in width, and must have its speed capped at 25km/h.
PMD users must keep below 25km/h on cycling and shared paths, and 10km/h on footpaths.
Do switch on front white lights and rear red lights in the dark, so other riders and pedestrians can see you.
Dismount and walk your e-scooter when you see ‘No Riding’ signs.
Source: LTA
Do I need to register with LTA Singapore?
Yes. From 2 January 2019, owners of electric scooters (e-scooters) can register their devices through LTA’s website at www.onemotoring.com.sg/escooter. To encourage owners to register their e-scooters early, the registration fee of $20 will be waived for e-scooters registered by 31 March 2019. Read more here.
Source: onemotoring.com
How do I register my e-scooter?
All existing electric scooters being used in Singapore must be registered with the LTA by 30 June 2019. Only registered scooters can be ridden from 1 July 2019. You can register your escooter at the following LTA website here.
1. Click on "Register E-scooter" on the above website to register.
2. You will need your Singpass or CorpPass password to login.
3. "Make" refers to the brand of the scooter. If the scooter does not have UL2272 safety certification, leave the safety certification checkbox unticked.
4. Once you complete the registration and receive the Registration Mark number, you can use it to make the Identification Mark sticker.
Source: onemotoring.com
Do I need to register my e-scooter even if it is not UL2272 certified?
Yes. If your scooter is not UL2272 certified, you can proceed to register with LTA if you bought it before 1st July 2019. However, you can only use non-UL2272 certified scooters until end-June 2020. From 1 July 2020, they will be deregistered automatically and cannot be use on public paths anymore.
How do I get my identification mark sticker?
Once the registration of your e-scooter is completed, you will be issued with a registration mark number whereby you need to make the Identification Mark sticker that bears the registration mark number.
Afterwhich, you can purchase your identification mark stickers from our website (click here)
For new customers, you are entitled to a free identification mark sticker upon purchase of any e-scooter.
How do I select an E-scooter that is suitable for me?
There are a few factors to consider.
• Speed
• Weight
• Mileage
Speed: Although the power output varies with each model, the top speed of all models will have to be capped at 25km/hr in compliance with Land Transport Authority's guideline on personal mobility devices. We do offer e-scooter speed lock services to ensure that your scooter will comply with LTA requirements.
Weight: Weight and form are crucial and often the determining factor when purchasing an E-scooter. Choose a weight that you are comfortable with. We recommend that you consider how the E-scooter will fit into your daily commute.
Mileage: The battery capacity varies with each model, you should give these careful considerations if you are planning to cover long distances on a single charge. Some model do offer fast charging.
Wow, that's a lot of factors to consider. Is there any way for me to try out the scooters before deciding?
Sure, you are most welcome to give our scooters a try. Kindly head down to our Authorised Dealer Store Here
Alternatively, you may be interested in PG Electric Scooter Rental Services.
What is the warranty policy for your scooters?
Our warranty period varies for different models, kindly refer to the individual products page to see the warranty offered. We do offer extended warranty plans for a nominal top up. Warranty repairs are done in house at our service center. Please click here for our warranty terms.
Is there any difference between PMD vs PAB?
Yes. PMD stands for Personal Mobility Devices. Vehicles such as unicycles, hoverboards, and electric scooters belong to this classification. Currently, only regulations have been proposed to LTA and are not in force yet.
On the other hand, PAB refers to Personal Assisted Bikes. This refers to electric bikes. Regulations applicable to PAB are currently in force. All PAB are required to be checked and approved by LTA. Those that satisfy LTA regulations will be affixed with a blue seal. More details can be found here
If a seller claims that a PAB is LTA approved, you can verify this by looking out for the blue seal affixed by LTA. Do note that for PMD, there is no seal yet as regulations applicable to PMD are not in force.
Am I allowed to bring PMDs on board public transport?
Rules for bringing PMD on board public transport:
• Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) must not exceed 120cm by 70cm by 40cm when folded.
• Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) must be folded at all times in the MRT/LRT stations, bus interchanges/terminals and on trains and buses.
• Motorised Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) must be switched off when brought on board trains and buses.
• Commuters should push or carry their folded devices instead of riding it.
• Wheels of Personal Mobility Devices must be wrapped up if they are dirty or wet.
• Only one foldable bicycle/Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) is allowed on a bus at any one time.
• Foldable bicycles/Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) are not allowed on the upper deck of a bus or on the staircase leading to the upper deck.
Examples of allowable devices:
Image Source: towertransit.sg
How do I know if my device fits the size limit on bus/train?
There are size checkers at train stations and bus interchanges to help you to gauge if your device is within the size limit. (See below)
Click here for more details.
LTA's Physical Criteria for Personal Mobility Devices
To ensure the safety of all users, the Panel recommends the following physical criteria for all PMDs:
• Maximum device speed of 25km/h (for motorised devices only);
• Maximum width of 700mm; and
• Maximum un-laden weight of 20kg.
• Equip the device with white light in front and red light at the back, and switch them on during hours of darknesses.
For more information, please visit the website here.
Please bear in mind that shared paths (park connectors and cycling paths) have a higher speed limit of 25km/h as compared to footpaths (where pedestrains walk), which by 2019 will have a limit of 10km/h. Click here for more information.

What is UL2272?
UL2272 is a fire safety standard given to electric scooters and electric hoverboards that has passed rigorous testing conducted by UL, an independent USA company.
In September 2018, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) of Singapore announced that electric scooters and personal mobility devices sold from July 2019 onward must comply with the UL2272 standard. At the time of this announcement, the vast majority of electric scooter brands in Singapore are not UL2272 certified.
Users of PMDs who own non-UL2272 certified devices can continue to use them until 30 June 2020. From 1st January 2021, only UL2272 certified devices can be used legally.
For more information, click here.
How do I know whether my Fiido is UL2272 certified?
If your scooter is UL2272 certified, it should have one of the following marks:
Source: onemotoring.com
Why are non-UL2272 certified scooters still being sold?
The Land Transport Authority of Singapore (LTA) has announced the adoption of UL2272 as the required standard for electric scooters in Singapore from 2021.
When the announcement regarding the adoption of UL2272 was made, majorities in the market do not have this certification hence the retailers in Singapore can continue to sell non-UL2272 certified scooters until 30th June 2019.
Source: onemotoring.com
Where are the devices allowed to be used?
Why are there sparks on charging port when I plug the charger into the scooter?
The sparks are caused by the capacitor in the charger. To prevent the spark, you can turn on the charger for 10 seconds, then off it before plugging it into your scooter's charging port.